Friday, February 1, 2008

The Fight of Faith

Everyday is a fight of faith to stay satisfied in God's promised grace and blessings. Often I feel like I don't deserve them, I can't have them, or they just don't really exist. The devil subtly puts thoughts in my head that God isn't really good and won't be my helper. It's so natural and easy to believe these lies, doubt God, and then begin to search for other cisterns that will always run dry.

I'm learning how imperative it is to battle these lies with the cross. At the cross, I see that Christ purchased the infinite favor, love, and acceptance with God as he took upon himself all the punishment from God that I deserved. There can be nothing but God's steadfast love and grace guiding my life because of what happened at the cross of Christ. This is quite an attack on every lie from hell that says God is angry with me and has forsaken me. The cross makes that an utter impossibility and makes all the riches of God's free grace, mercy, and love mine forever.

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